Miara, Yandaran and Waterloo WWI Honour Board Restoration


3 mens shed men and honour roll yandaran

Author: Cherry Maidment

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At the end of 2021 Dale & Cherry Maidment approached the Agnes Water/1770 RSL Sub-Branch to ask for assistance in applying for a grant under DVA “Saluting Their Service” to restore the Waterloo, Miara and Yandaran Honour Roll.

In early 2023 Lillian Turner (Secretary) of the Agnes Water/1770 RSL submitted a grant application which was successful in June 2023. We approached Agnes Water 1770 Men’s Shed to do the restoration on the Honour Board. Three veterans (two Vietnam veterans) and one reservist were only to honour and proud to restore this Honour Board.

Willian (Bill) Facey S/N R93197, Dennis Window S/N A119705 and Archibald (Archie) Hutton S/N A111338 work some very long hours to restore this Honour Roll board.

Firstly they removed the old varnish by using cut glass. The top two board and bottom board was rotten so they were lucky enough to find the same timber (Silky Oak) and replaced these three boards. The veterans names on the brass also took quite a lot of hours to restore by using toothpaste. So this will not happen again they have been dipped in a liquid glass to they should stay readable for many years to come.

Bill, Dennis and Archie said this was one of the biggest honours in their lives to restore this Honour Roll which is dedicated to the man from the Waterloo, Miara and Yandaran communities, as it is the only dedication to these local man for serving their country.

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