Henry C Moulds

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Member for

Member for

6 years 3 months

    Contributed memorials

    Displaying 41 - 60 of 635
    Memorial Address Created
    Cullen Bullen War Memorial B55, Cullen Bullen New South Wales 2790
    Wollar Memorial Hall Barnett Street, Wollar New South Wales 2850
    Baerami Memorial School of Arts Bylong Valley Way, Baerami New South Wales 2333
    Denman Memorial Hall Ogilvie Street, Denman New South Wales 2328
    Muswellbrook 90th Anniversary of the ANZAC Landings Muswellbrook New South Wales 2333
    Muswellbrook 16th LHR and 2/16th Bn Memorial Muswellbrook New South Wales 2333
    Charge of the Lighthorse on Beersheba Memorial Bridge Street, Muswellbrook New South Wales 2333
    Muswellbrook National Service Memorial Hunter Street, Muswellbrook New South Wales 2333
    Muswellbrook Korea Malaya & Borneo Memorial Aberdeen Street, Muswellbrook New South Wales 2333
    Muswellbrook Memorial Grove Octagonal Way, Muswellbrook New South Wales 2333
    Field of Remembrance Aberdeen Street, Muswellbrook New South Wales 2333
    Anzac Centenary Memorial Aberdeen Street, Muswellbrook New South Wales 2333
    Aberdeen Honour Roll - First World War Moray Street, Aberdeen New South Wales 2336
    Aberdeen Honour Roll - Second World War, Korea, Malaya, Borneo & Vietnam Moray Street, Aberdeen New South Wales 2336
    St Mark's Anglican Church War Memorial Segenhoe Street, Aberdeen New South Wales 2336
    The William Allen Memorial Moray Street, Aberdeen New South Wales 2336
    Murrurundi Bowling Club Memorial Gates Mount Street, Murrurundi New South Wales 2338
    Quirindi Post 1945 Memorial Station Street, Quirindi New South Wales 2343
    Nundle Memorial Hall Jenkins Street, Nundle New South Wales 2340
    Duri War Memorial Werris Creek Road, Duri New South Wales 2344

    Contributed stories

    Displaying 41 - 60 of 81
    Story Memorial References Created
    Pte Albert Dew, 32nd Battalion, AIF Burra Memorial
    The First of Cooma's Fallen Monaghan Hayes Place
    A Symbol of Community Grief Collector War Memorial
    Private Frederick Prothero Wombat Lone Pine
    The Fifth Australian Cowra POW Breakout 75th Anniversary Art Installation
    In Memory of one but a tribute to all Boorowa Boer War Memorial
    Friendly Fire Vietnam Remembrance Precinct
    The Coo-ee March Gilgandra Coo-ee March Memorial Park
    The Forgotten Fleet Forgotten Fleet Memorial
    She kept alive the flame of hope Dimboola Soldiers Memorial Hall
    The Memorial to Shared Experience New Zealand Memorial
    “Greater love no man hath Than to give his life For his friends” Maurice Freeman Memorial Gates
    The Australian Women's Land Army Australian Women's Land Army Memorial Tree
    “He died so young, but also with great pride” HMAS Sydney II Memorial
    Those who answered the call 'Answering the Call'
    The Gallipoli Sniper Private William 'Billy' Sing Memorial
    Death at Sea on the Voyage Home Sorell Boer War Memorial
    Sergeant Lewis McGee VC Ross War Memorial
    The Launceston South African War Memorial South African War Memorial
    Australia's most highly decorated soldier - and a Tasmanian Victoria Cross Memorial

    Contributed photos

    Displaying 2241 - 2260 of 8569
    Photo Memorial Reference Created
    Towner's Call
    Towner's Call
    Towner's Call
    Towner's Call
    Blackall Q.C.W.A. Memorial Seat
    Blackall Q.C.W.A. Memorial Seat
    Blackall Q.C.W.A. Memorial Seat
    Blackall War Memorial
    Blackall War Memorial
    Blackall War Memorial
    Blackall War Memorial
    Blackall War Memorial
    Blackall War Memorial
    Blackall War Memorial
    Blackall War Memorial
    Blackall War Memorial
    Barcaldine Cemetery War Memorial
    Barcaldine Cemetery War Memorial
    Barcaldine Cemetery War Memorial
    Barcaldine Cemetery War Memorial