Stephen Warner

Profile picture for user eileensteve
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Member for

9 months 2 weeks

    Contributed memorials

    Displaying 41 - 60 of 172
    Memorial Address Created
    Australian Military Police Honour Roll National Vietnam Veterans Museum, 25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven Victoria 3925
    Vietnam Tunnel Rats Honour Roll National Vietnam Veterans Museum, 25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven Victoria 3925
    National Service Honour Roll National Vietnam Veterans Museum, 25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven Victoria 3925
    Australian Army Training Team Vietnam Honour Roll National Vietnam Veterans Museum, 25 Veterans Dve., Newhaven Victoria 3925
    Defence of Australia Monument Raws Reserve Lookout, Western Pde., Point Leo Victoria 3916
    Moorooduc Memorial Gates 700 Derril Road, Moorooduc Victoria 3933
    Australia Remembers 1945-1995 795 Arthurs Seat Road, Arthurs Seat Victoria 3936
    The Prisoners of War Memorial Wall & Garden 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    Montevideo Maru Memorial 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    Korean War Memorial 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    Vietnam War Memorial 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    4th Anti-Tank Regiment, 8th Division Memorial 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    The Nursing Sisters Memorial 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    2/22nd Battalion, Lark Force Memorial 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    National Serviceman's Memorial 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    Australian Army Water Transport Memorial 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    100 years of Legacy Memorial Stone 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    The Burma - Thailand Railway Memorial Seat 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    Memorial Wall 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 3931
    Boer War Memorial Water Troughs 22 Empire Street, Mornington Victoria 2045

    Contributed photos

    Displaying 1101 - 1108 of 1108
    Photo Memorial Reference Created
    Altona RSL Altona R.S.L Wall Mural
    Altona Memorial Drinkng Fountain Altona Memorial Drinking Fountain
    Altona Memorial Drinkng Fountain Altona Memorial Drinking Fountain
    Altona Memorial Drinkng Fountain Altona Memorial Drinking Fountain
    Altona Memorial Drinkng Fountain Altona Memorial Drinking Fountain
    Long Tan Cross & Plaque Long Tan Cross
    Long Tan Cross & Plaque Long Tan Cross
    Korean Cross & Memorial Plaque Korean Cross & Plaque