Bellingen War Memorial

-30.4515481, 152.8954025

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Key information

Memorial Name:
Bellingen War Memorial

Hyde Street
Bellingen NSW 2454

Memorial Type:
  • First World War, 1914–18
  • Second World War, 1939–45
  • Afghanistan, 2001-
Publicly accessible

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Henry Moulds
Stephen Learmonth Henry Moulds
Henry Moulds Penny Smith Mark Fairleigh

Last updated:



John Mocatta

John Norman Mocatta was born on the 22nd of October, 1890, in his home in Miller Street, South Shore, NSW.

Author: Stephen Learmonth

The name of Margaret De Mestre heads the list of those who died during the Second World War

The First to Fall

Immediately beneath the statement β€œIN MEMORY OF THE BRAVE WHO FELL IN THE 2ND WORLD WAR 1939-1945” on the Bellingen War Memorial is the name Sister M. A. DeMestre.

Author: Henry Moulds


Author: Mark Fairleigh  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Penny Smith  

Author: Henry Moulds  

Author: Henry Moulds  

Author: Henry Moulds  

Author: Henry Moulds