
Family ties: MORNINGTON woman Gillian Nikakis, whose father Bill died on the Montevideo Maru, wrote about the disaster in her 2005 book He’s not coming home. Picture: Yanni

Place of rest to reflect on lasting war losses

The unveiling of a commemorative seat at Mornington Memorial Park at 11am on Monday 23 January marks the 81st anniversary of the largest loss of life in Australian maritime history, when the Montevideo Maru was sunk in the Pacific during World War II.

Lone Pine

Lone Pine found following war memorial theft

Hurstbridge’s Lone Pine, stolen on Monday night from Anzac Memorial Park in Main Road, has been recovered. The tree was yesterday found intact, dumped in a skip bin behind the shops, and has been taken to Edendale Community Environment Farm where nursery staff will assess its health.

German shells bombarding amphibious trucks at the Anzio beachhead.

Anzac and Anzio, Father and Son

On New Year’s Day 1946, Captain William ‘Bill’ Dunstan penned another long letter to his family. “To-day is the beginning of another year away from you – the last, I hope. It has been a long time now and I have just about had enough of the army.” By that time, Bill had not seen his home or family for five and a half years.

A place to reflect: Although the statue was unveiled in 2017, the surrounding garden was not formally named until last week. Photo: supplied

Memorial garden officially named

Alfredton's Garden of the Grieving Mother has been officially named, with a sign funded by the Arch of Victory-Avenue of Honour Committee installed last week.

Yarrawonga shire hall
Community News

Grand hall gets heritage listing

It’s official, the grand and much loved 92-year-old Yarrawonga Shire (Town) Hall is finally on the Victorian Heritage Register.

From Shepparton News

Left to right: Torquay RSL secretary Daryll Topp, RSL Victoria president Dr Robert Webster, No.21 (City of Melbourne) Squadron executive officer Squadron Leader Samuel Bartlett and Chaplain (Flight Lieutenant) Abdul Kader.

Memorial to WW2 crash unveiled

A crowd of about 30 people gathered at Point Addis for the unveiling and dedication of the memorial to wartime action along the Surf Coast during World War II between 1939 and 1945.

Members of the Murgon RSL Sub-Branch with the replica of the Long Tan Cross which has been unveiled in Murgon (Photo: Gerkies Photography)

Two Salutes To Service

Two ceremonies held in Murgon last weekend aim to ensure the memory of Queen Elizabeth II’s long reign will not be forgotten in a hurry.

Corporal Jake Bostock with his great grandfather James Dundee Bostock's diary outside the 9th Battalion War Memorial Museum at Gallipoli Barracks, Brisbane
Community News

Corporal continues family’s Gallipoli legacy

The Australian Defence Force has a rich history of family legacies being carried on through the generations.

The Bostock dynasty started with James Dundee Bostock, who served in 9th Battalion, First Australian Imperial Forces during WW1, and is credited with being the second man to land at Gallipoli.

From Australian Government Defence

 Jonathan Tredrea

We all owe them

It was 25 March 1945, and 24-year-old Jack Tredrea was in the back of a Liberator bomber, preparing to parachute ‘blind’ into Japanese-occupied Borneo.

The clouds had rolled in and visibility was poor, but there was no turning back. It was now or never.

Remembrance Day was observed throughout the Mornington Peninsula with official ceremonies on Friday 11 November. Picture: Yanni
Community News

Tradition of respect and silence since WWI

RSLs and war memorials around the Mornington Peninsula were a place for solemn reflection on Friday, 11 November, as hundreds of people gathered on Remembrance Day to pay their respects to those who died in the line of duty

From The News Mornington Peninsula

Remembrance Day
Community News

About Remembrance Day

On the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, a minutes’ silence is observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation.
