Maleny Soldiers' Memorial Hospital


Author: RSL Maleny Sub Branch

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The original Maleny Hospital was across the road in Bean Street Maleny where the ambulance station now stands.

The hospital was originally a wooden Queenslander construction that was built in the early 1900’s and opened its doors to the first public patients in October 1920. The following year the centre became a general hospital and has been ever since.

The hospital kept expanding into a rambling labyrinth of wooden extensions creating long hallways, nooks and crannies and pokey rooms in a somewhat haphazard fashion. It was portentous of a fire threat which was feared by the staff and locals.

In the 1960s, the old wooden building was replaced by the new brick Maleny Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, which continues to serve Maleny residents today. 

The old wooden hospital did inevitably caught fire with patients were still inside the building but luckily the fire was contained quickly and no one was hurt. A second, more severe blaze happened again but fortunately the new hospital was built and in operation by this time. 

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