Mortlake and District Boer War Memorial


Mortlake Boer War Memorial

Author: Bart Robertson

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The basalt and white marble obelisk was erected by the residents of Mortlake to the memory of the soldiers of the Empire who fell in the South African War 1899-1902 (includes CPL John B. Yates, 2nd Kitchener Fighting Scouts, LCPL  Duncan Small and PTE Walter Clark)

The inscription on the memorial reads:  'Erected by the residents of Mortlake & District to the memory of those soldiers of the Empire who fell in the South African War 1899-1902'.

The stonework was done by local builders Fiddes & Morgan, who donated their labour and many of the materials to the cause. It was unveiled in March 1903 by Mr Thomas Montgomery J.P., in the presence of over five hundred people, mostly women and children.

One notable visitor on the day was T. A. Brown better known as Rolfe Boldrewood, the author of "Robbery Under Arms".

The local band, under the leadership of Mr A. Twyford, played a couple of selections before Mr Montgomery spoke, and after which the local children sang "The Man behind the Gun". Rev McBride then spoke about the sadness of the occasion followed by Rev. T. Collins. Mr Montgomery then hauled the flag to half mast after which the firing party, consisting of Privates McBride, Evans, Stewart, Geddes and Whitson under Captain Morgan fired a three volley salute.

Rev Wagg then moved a vote of thanks to all who had assisted in procuring the monument, especially Mr. James McKenna and his daughter Mrs. Walter Hyde.

Courtesy Heritage Victoria, Moyne Council and Mortlake Historical Society

While the Mortlake and District Boer War Memorial only displays the names of three district men who died as a result of their service, research indicates that over 43 men residing, originating or with a definitive connection to the Mortlake district ( as defined by the Mortlake Shire boundaries) served in Australian contingents or with locally raised irregular units. Of note, two local men served with New Zealand contingents.

The following men made the ultimate sacrifice:

197 Trooper CLARK, Walter Earnest G. 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles. Place of Birth: Geelong, Victoria. Residence: Camperdown. Killed in Action: Pienaarspoort. 07/07/1900 (Awarded Silver medal for honourable service)

8023 Private IRVINE, James. Remington’s Guides. Place of Birth: Hexham, Victoria. Killed in Action, Klerkstroon 28/12/1900

28 Trooper MCDONALD, Douglas Kinneir. 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry. Place of Birth: Kensington, United Kingdom. Residence: Unknown (formerly Mortlake, Victoria) Died of Illness, Pretoria, 12/02/1901

980 Corporal YATES, John Baker. 1st Kitchener's Fighting Scouts. Place of Birth: Mortlake, Victoria. Resident Mortlake. Killed In Action, Pienaar River, 02/06/1901

93 Lance Corporal SMALL, Duncan William. 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen. Place of Birth: Mortlake, Victoria. Died of Illness contracted on active service, Mortlake 02/02/1902



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