Edmund (Eddie) Henry Everard


Edmund Everard

Author: Stephen Learmonth

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Eddie was born on the 22nd of January 1887 at Tintaldra, Victoria. He was the 11th and second youngest child of William Byron and Mary Kate Hickson (née Pike) Everard. However, by the turn of the century four of Eddie’s siblings and his father had passed away. The year prior to Eddie’s birth, his father had applied for, and been granted, a lease of 520 acres in the Walwa area. 

Eddie was apparently an excellent marksman and a keen sporting shooter. The Border Morning Mail and Riverina Times of the 8th of May 1912 reported; “Details are to hand re the recent shooting of local riflemen at the late Wangaratta contests. Mr Eddie Everard won cash prizes to the amount of £13, and also a gold medal valued at £5, presented by Mr. W. Pringle for best aggregate in junior 500, 600 and 700 yards match, making a total of 90 out of a possible 105.”

Australian Electoral Rolls give Eddie’s place of residence as Walwa with family members stating that he lived in a cottage in the top (bush) paddock of the family property.

On the 25th of May 1915, one month after the landings at Galipolli, Eddie enlisted at  Liverpool, NSW. At the time he was a single, 28 year-old labourer. He initially gave his next-of-kin as his mother, Mary, however, after his death, and Mary’s death the following year, a note is made that his eldest brother Stephen, who at the time was 48 years-old, was listed as his next-of-kin for correspondence purposes.

Eddie became a private in the 2nd Reinforcements of the 19th Battalion, 1st AIF. A few days after arriving in camp he became ill and was admitted to the Field Hospital at the Liverpool Camp. Twelve days later, at 3 am on the 8th of June 1915, Eddie died from broncho pneumonia and cardiac failure. He was buried at the Liverpool Old Cemetery, Liverpool Memorial Park, Liverpool, NSW.

Edmund is remembered at the Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, and the Walwa Roll of Honour. For his service, a memorial plaque and scroll was sent to his eldest brother, Stephen eight years after he died, in 1923.


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