Boyanup Primary School - War Memorial Project


Students from Boyanup Primary

Author: Australian War Memorial

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In May 2018, four children were chosen from the senior class at Boyanup Primary School in Western Australia to participate in a war memorial research project. We started by walking down to our local war memorial and then each child chose a name from the plaque.

One child chose her great uncle, a bomber pilot who died when his plane exploded on take off around D Day. By using the National Archives, Anzac Heros (a site about all the first world war veterans in south west WA), Ancestory family history site and asking for information through the local papers, we filled in details of their life and families.

We then went to map the journey from Boyanup to the training camps in Egypt, battle sites and journey home or the cemetery they are interred in.

From here we went further to find out:

  • the history of Anzac House in Perth- a house that was built in one day and given to a returned disabled veteran from the Mt Hawthorn area of Perth
  • what caused the war
  • why Australia was involved
  • significance of Villers Bretonneux
  • the significance of Albany
  • other topics as arose in our research.

We intend to have a booklet about each person and answers to our questions ready for Remembrance Day in November. We also hope to have an invitation to speak at the local Boyanup Remembrance Service.

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