Kalamunda Stirk Park Memorial Walk


Author: Connell

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In 2002, G.S. Connell stumbled over the vandalised Honour Walk in Stirk Park, Kalamunda. There began her research into the history of Kalamunda's First and Second World War service and sacrifice.

Here is how her research began:

"I asked Shire President, Elizabeth Taylor, permission to research and write the history of Kalamunda’s World war I & II 'Fallen'.

She advised me to consult the RSL Honour board hanging in the Kalamunda library.

I then discovered that many on the board had not been commemorated in the vandalised walk, possibly due to lack of finance by the 'Fallen’s' next of kin.

Following 12 months of research, information on all 36 of the 'Fallen' had been completed and the honour walk’s new memorial tablets, funded by the Kalamunda Shire, had been made and installed.

The Stirk Park Kalamunda World War I & II Memorial Walk lists the date, place of birth, enlistment, battle, death and memorial of the Hills 'Fallen' as well as the 'Fallen’s' next of kin". 

Visit members.iinet.net.au/~vildulac/hillsfallen/ to read the complete research work for Stirk Park Kalamunda World War I and II Memorial Walk. 


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