Lawrence Silvester Polomka


Lawrence Silvester Polomka

Author: Australian War Memorial

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Lawrence Silvester Polomka was the second son of John and Barbara Polomka of Clare, South Australia. A farmer before enlisting in March 1916, Polomka joined the 27th Battalion with his younger brother, Valentine. They left Australia for England with reinforcements for the 27th Battalion and arrived in France in November 1916 for service on the Western Front.

On 20 September 1917, the Polomka brothers were with the 27th Battalion when it participated in the first wave at the battle of Menin Road. Lawrence was killed in action at Westhoek Ridge, near Polygon Wood, and has no known grave. He was 26 years old.

His brother, Valentine, survived the war and returned to Australia in 1919.

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