Gollan Hall turns 100


AWARD: Larry and Helen Yeo were recipients of a 2018 Dubbo Day in November last year and are a driving force behind the centenary celebrations. Photo: ELOUISE HAWKEY

Author: Dubbo Regional Council

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Daily Liberal - January 12 2018 - 2:40PM

A century of the Gollan Hall will be celebrated this year and board members are calling on the community to get involved in the milestone occasion.

Gollan Hall was officially opened on March 22, 1918 – originally built as a social point for returning servicemen from WWI. 

A snippet from the Wellington Times, appearing March 7, 1918 read: “A plain and fancy dress ball will be held at the Gollan Public Hall to celebrate the opening of the new hall on Friday, March 22, 1918. Tickets: Double 7/6; single 5/-”

Now, almost 100 years later, board members are organising a celebration of another kind. 

Helen and Larry Yeo are among the driving force behind the centenary reunion to be held over the weekend of March 31, 2018.

They anticipate the day will involved a morning tea and luncheon, however the hall Trust is still tuning finer details.

“Our main aim is for everyone to get together and catch up, reminisce on the old times,” Helen said.

“There are a lot of descendants of people who were involved in building the hall that are still in the area or Sydney who we’d like to see attend.”

Helen said the hall was once “the hub of the area” and boasts a rich history ranging from social dances, card nights and multiple other functions each week.

“Everyone discharged from war they always had a welcome home party for them,” she said.

“They’d start the dances about 8pm, supper at midnight, and they’d dance until whenever.

“They’d come in horse and dray or horseback, and they’d stay and dance all night.” 

The hall continued to grow since its opening in 1918, namely the unveiling of a white marble memorial on April 1, 1920 to symbolise the local men who enlisted to defend their country. 

Some time in the late 50s – early 60s the hall was blown from its stumps during a wild storm, before being dragged back on by a bulldozer. It has since undergone several renovations and in 2015 held a commemorative ball for Anzac Day.

For more information contact Helen on 6886 6103 or see the Gollan Hall Facebook page.


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