Neurea Memorial Gates


Author: Dubbo Regional Council

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Wellington Times (NSW), 27 November 1947.

NEUREA MEMORIAL GATES.  On Saturday afternoon last, most of the district people, as well as some visitors from Wellington and district gathered at the recreation ground for the official opening of the Memorial Gates by Mr. C. G. Robertson. The gates were erected by the district citizens as a token of remembrance to those who lost their lives in the war. Mr. C. Cox welcomed the visitors and introduced Mr. C. G. Robertson, who expressed his pleasure at having the privilege of opening the Memorial Gates. He congratulated those responsible for their erection, and said they would remain a tribute to those who had paid the supreme sacrifice. Following afternoon tea, which was served in the hall, Mr. E. Cawthom thanked the ladies on behalf of the visitors for the delightful spread.…

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