Sassafras Community Hall Honour Board


Author: Sassafras community hall

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The ladies of the Sassafras Methodist Church were the instigators for an honour board to be erected in the Methodist Church.  It was to commemorate the Sassafras soldiers who served during World War 1.  The person who was commissioned to do the work was a lady wood carver of world renown and who was a member of the Field family from Westbury.  She was aged in her early 60's at the time.  Her name was Mrs Ellen Nora Payne, known as Nellie.

The Honour Board depicts carvings of a rising sun badge, an angel with a wreath in its right hand and a lion.  It lists 55 names of those who served in World War 1.

The Honour Board was formally unveiled during the Harvest Thanksgiving service on 18 March 1928.

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