St Paul's Cathedral (Melbourne) Nurses


Australian Army Nurses memorial World War I

Author: D.E. Rowse, Hon. Cathedral Archivist

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This memorial was created by the Prentice family to commemorate the nurses who died during World War I and, in particular, a member of their family Louise Riggall, a Red Cross Volunteer.

The memorial includes 25 names. It is made of oak and includes Australian motifs such as the Rising Sun, gum leaves etc and also Flanders poppies.

In the centre of the memorial is the original wooden grave marker from Louise Riggall's grave in Rouen, which was given to her sister after it was replaced by a gravestone. The intention was that the memorial, handed to the Cathedral in 1937, would be held there temporarily and would eventually be moved to a proposed cathedral in Canberra - a building which has never eventuated.

The memorial is located in the administrative area of the Cathedral and is not on public display. It can be viewed on request. 

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