Princess Royal Fortress


Princess Royal Fortress

Author: Rachel Handasyde

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The Princess Royal Fortress is one of only two pre-federation fortresses built to protect intercontinental trade routes. At the time all main-land Australian colonies contributed to the cost, demonstrating rare pre-federation cooperating between the colonies. The Fortress is of exceptional significance for its key roles in the first national strategy to defend Australia. 

The convoys which left King George Sound as interpreted within the National Anzac Centre chose Albany as a place to gather due to the defences and protection the Fortress was able to provide the fleet. If it was not for Princess Royal Fortress, the convoys would never have gathered in such numbers in one position. 

Wander the grounds of the Fortress and experience what it was like to protect Australia's shores at times of war. Explore original gun batteries, large coastal gun defences and the barracks where officers lived and worked. If you're lucky you may even catch a traditional gun salute!

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