Hunters Hill First World War Howitzer No. 1177


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This 150mm German Howitzer No.1177 was captured at La Motte near Estrees, France, in October 1918 by the 20th Battalion Australian Imperial Force (A.I.F.).

It was given to the people of Hunters Hill in 1922 in recognition of their contribution to the war effort. It was originally dedicated in 1927 and re-dedicated on 24 April 2015.

The Howitzer was relocated from outside the Hunters Hill RSL Sub-Branch, back to the Hunters Hill Town Hall and now forms part of the Hunters Hill War Memorial. 

The cannon underwent extensive restoration between 1988 and 2015 for the 'Centenary of ANZAC'. A book has been published for the Centenary on the restoration and dedication: 

  • Hunter's Hill (N.S.W. : Municipality). Council (issuing body) (2015). History of our WWI trophy gun. Hunter's Hill, N.S.W. Municipality of Hunter's Hill, at the State Library of NSW.

An excerpt is below, from Clr Richard Quinn, Mayor:

This cannon has now been faithfully restored by Vintage Motor Garage with generous funding assistance from Hunter's Hill Council and the Federal and State governments as a Centenary of ANZAC project. The work has been co-ordinated by Hunter's Hill Council Military Memorabilia Restoration Advisory Committee chaired by ex-serviceman Councillor Peter Astridge. 

The restored cannon reminds us all of the ultimate prize, our freedom, for which our service men and women have selflessly fought and, in many cases, sacrificed their lives. We continue to remember them. 


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