Henry C Moulds

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Member for

6 years 2 months

    Contributed memorials

    Displaying 341 - 360 of 635
    Memorial Address Created
    Cowra and District National Servicemen Memorial A41, Cowra New South Wales 2794
    Bowning War Memorial Short Street, Bowning New South Wales 2582
    Adaminaby Memorial Hall Denison Street, Adaminaby New South Wales 2629
    National Service and Reserve Forces Memorial Illawarra Highway, Sutton Forest New South Wales 2577
    Robertson and Kangaloon War Memorial Hoddle Street, Robertson New South Wales 2577
    Picton Memorial Hall and School of Arts Menangle Street, Picton New South Wales 2571
    Moss Vale War Memorial Yarrawa Street, Moss Vale New South Wales 2577
    Bowral and District War Memorial Merrigang Street, Bowral New South Wales 2576
    Bowral Vietnam War Memorial Cherry Tree Walk Bowral New South Wales 2576
    St Simon and St Jude's Anglican Church Lynch Gate Bendooley Street, Bowral New South Wales 2576
    Mittagong RSL Memorial Bessemer Street, Mittagong New South Wales 2575
    Bargo War Memorial Old Hume Highway, Bargo New South Wales 2574
    For our Country Australian War Memorial, Limestone Avenue, Campbell Australian Capital Territory 2612
    Canberra & Districts National Servicemen's Memorial Cowlishaw Street, Greenway Australian Capital Territory 2900
    Maurice Freeman Memorial Gates George Street, Bathurst New South Wales 2795
    Australian Women's Land Army Memorial Tree Bathurst New South Wales 2795
    Tintinara War & Services Memorial Becker Terrace, Tintinara South Australia 5266
    St Arnaud Town Hall First World War Memorial Napier Street, Saint Arnaud Victoria 3478
    Royal Australian Air Force Base Nhill Memorial Victoria Street, Nhill Victoria 3418
    Shire of Lowan War Memorial Victoria Street, Nhill Victoria 3418

    Contributed stories

    Displaying 41 - 60 of 81
    Story Memorial References Created
    Pte Albert Dew, 32nd Battalion, AIF Burra Memorial
    The First of Cooma's Fallen Monaghan Hayes Place
    A Symbol of Community Grief Collector War Memorial
    Private Frederick Prothero Wombat Lone Pine
    The Fifth Australian Cowra POW Breakout 75th Anniversary Art Installation
    In Memory of one but a tribute to all Boorowa Boer War Memorial
    Friendly Fire Vietnam Remembrance Precinct
    The Coo-ee March Gilgandra Coo-ee March Memorial Park
    The Forgotten Fleet Forgotten Fleet Memorial
    She kept alive the flame of hope Dimboola Soldiers Memorial Hall
    The Memorial to Shared Experience New Zealand Memorial
    “Greater love no man hath Than to give his life For his friends” Maurice Freeman Memorial Gates
    The Australian Women's Land Army Australian Women's Land Army Memorial Tree
    “He died so young, but also with great pride” HMAS Sydney II Memorial
    Those who answered the call 'Answering the Call'
    The Gallipoli Sniper Private William 'Billy' Sing Memorial
    Death at Sea on the Voyage Home Sorell Boer War Memorial
    Sergeant Lewis McGee VC Ross War Memorial
    The Launceston South African War Memorial South African War Memorial
    Australia's most highly decorated soldier - and a Tasmanian Victoria Cross Memorial

    Contributed photos

    Displaying 8561 - 8569 of 8569
    Photo Memorial Reference Created
    Simpsons Hill Anzac Memorial
    Simpsons Hill Anzac Memorial
    Simpsons Hill Anzac Memorial
    Simpsons Hill Anzac Memorial
    Nowra Soldiers Memorial
    Nowra Soldiers Memorial
    Nowra Soldiers Memorial
    Nowra Soldiers Memorial
    Nowra Soldiers Memorial