
The Memorial panel commemorating four Australian soldiers who drowned during a rescue effort

They Died That Others May Live

Stories of sacrifice abound in the annals of Australians at war. The enemy though, is not always a human enemy. Sometimes it is nature that must be conquered.

Author: Henry C Moulds

In Loving Memory - St Peter's Anglican Church, Port Pirie

George Perry LeDan

George Perry LeDan was born in North Adelaide, South Australia on the 22nd May 1891 to Peter Perry and Aphrah Sarah LeDan (nee Petit).

Author: RSL (Port Pirie Sub Branch) Inc.

Gordons Sharp's medals, on display at the Australian War Memorial but without the more recent Commendation for Gallantry

Gallantry in a rubber plantation

Seven names are listed on the Tamworth Vietnam War Memorial, local men who paid the highest price for their service.

Author: Henry C Moulds

Composite image of the marble panel, bearing Jackson's name, on the gate pillar of Hillston Memorial Park, with beneath Jackson's medals on display at the AWM

The Youngest Recipient

Every name, on every memorial, has a story behind it. Some are stories of ‘ordinary’ people who did extraordinary things.

Author: Henry C Moulds

Memorial Plaque -Crystal Brook RSL

Corporal Arthur Percy Sullivan V.C.

Arthur Percy Sullivan was born in Crystal Brook, South Australia, on the 27th November 1896. His parents were storekeepers Arthur and Eliza Sullivan (nee Dobbs).

Author: RSL (Port Pirie Sub Branch) Inc.


Official opening

Saturday 11 October 1930


(From our Correspondent.)

Author: Kerrie Gambley

Plinth with five additional names fixed to the war memorial in 2020.

War Memorial Plinth 2020

The war memorial was constructed in 1922 to remember the 24 former students who died as a result of their service during World War 1. 

Author: Perth Modernian Society Museum Association Incorporated

Australian Army Nursing Service Nurses from the 2/4th Australian General Hospital on board the British Hospital Ship ‘Dorsetshire’ enroute to Tobruk. Sister Dorothy Goode is second from the left.

Captain Dorothy Jean Goode

Dorothy Jean Goode was born in Port Pirie on the 22nd September 1911 to Samuel Mortimer James and Mary Jean Bishe Goode (nee Lindsay).

Author: RSL (Port Pirie Sub Branch) Inc.

Large group of Land Army girls described as the 'Toora Vale Mob' by bus transport at Berri, South Australia.

The Australian Women's Land Army

The Australian Women's Land Army (AWLA) was formed in 1942 in response to the acute shortage of rural workers.

Author: RSL (Port Pirie Sub Branch) Inc.

HMAS Wongala, off Port Adelaide, South Australia; 29th December 1943. She was armed with a 12 Pounder Gun forward and a 20mm Oerlikom Anti-Aircraft Gun aft.

The Naval Auxiliary Patrol in Port Pirie

On the 23rd February 1942 at the Pirie Yacht Club, enthusiasts between the ages of 16 and 60 who were not otherwise eligible for military service formed ‘Pirie Command’ of the N

Author: RSL (Port Pirie Sub Branch) Inc.

Napperby Memorial Hall tablet.

Albert Alfred Davies

Albert Alfred (Bert) Davies was born in Morphett Vale, South Australia, on the 14th April 1885 to Alfred Herbert and Sophia Davies (nee Smith).

Author: RSL (Port Pirie Sub Branch) Inc.


Maleny Soldiers' Memorial Hospital

The original Maleny Hospital was across the road in Bean Street Maleny where the ambulance station now stands.

Author: RSL Maleny Sub Branch


RSL Maleny Memorial Hall History

The RSSAILA MALENY purchased the building (no77) the Gymnasium/Picture Theatre from Maryborough depot in 1946 for a cost of 2000 pounds.

Author: RSL Maleny Sub Branch


RSL Maleny Memorial Hall History

The entrance to Maleny is quietly guarded by the RSL Hall, a building that looks as if it has always overlooked the town.

Author: RSL Maleny Sub Branch