Henry C Moulds

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6 years 2 months

    Contributed memorials

    Displaying 621 - 635 of 635
    Memorial Address Created
    Darlington Point War Memorial Carrington Street, Darlington Point New South Wales 2706
    Bemboka War Memorial Loftus Street, Bemboka New South Wales 2550
    Nowra All Saints Church War Memorial Lych Gate Plunkett Street, Nowra New South Wales 2541
    Nowra Boer War Memorial Junction Street, Nowra New South Wales 2541
    Cargo War Memorial Belmore Street, Cargo New South Wales 2800
    Camden Cenotaph Menangle Road, Camden New South Wales 2570
    Nangus War Memorial Nangus Road, Nangus New South Wales 2722
    Balranald & District Honour Roll Court Street, Balranald New South Wales 2715
    Balranald Memorial Rose Garden Court Street, Balranald New South Wales 2715
    Balranald War Memorial Court Street, Balranald New South Wales 2715
    Ballina War Memorial Olympic Pool Las Balsas Plaza, Ballina New South Wales 2478
    Araluen War Memorial Araluen Road, Araluen New South Wales 2622
    Caragabal War Memorial and Remembrance Wall Caragabal Street, Caragabal New South Wales 2810
    Simpsons Hill Anzac Memorial Enid Lorimer Circuit, Chisholm Australian Capital Territory 2905
    Nowra Soldiers Memorial West Street, Nowra New South Wales 2541

    Contributed stories

    Displaying 41 - 60 of 81
    Story Memorial References Created
    Pte Albert Dew, 32nd Battalion, AIF Burra Memorial
    The First of Cooma's Fallen Monaghan Hayes Place
    A Symbol of Community Grief Collector War Memorial
    Private Frederick Prothero Wombat Lone Pine
    The Fifth Australian Cowra POW Breakout 75th Anniversary Art Installation
    In Memory of one but a tribute to all Boorowa Boer War Memorial
    Friendly Fire Vietnam Remembrance Precinct
    The Coo-ee March Gilgandra Coo-ee March Memorial Park
    The Forgotten Fleet Forgotten Fleet Memorial
    She kept alive the flame of hope Dimboola Soldiers Memorial Hall
    The Memorial to Shared Experience New Zealand Memorial
    “Greater love no man hath Than to give his life For his friends” Maurice Freeman Memorial Gates
    The Australian Women's Land Army Australian Women's Land Army Memorial Tree
    “He died so young, but also with great pride” HMAS Sydney II Memorial
    Those who answered the call 'Answering the Call'
    The Gallipoli Sniper Private William 'Billy' Sing Memorial
    Death at Sea on the Voyage Home Sorell Boer War Memorial
    Sergeant Lewis McGee VC Ross War Memorial
    The Launceston South African War Memorial South African War Memorial
    Australia's most highly decorated soldier - and a Tasmanian Victoria Cross Memorial

    Contributed photos

    Displaying 561 - 580 of 8569
    Photo Memorial Reference Created
    Thangool War Memorial Thangool War Memorial
    Centre area of MV Krait MV Krait
    Although berthed at and maintained by the ANMM, MV Krait is part of the National Collection of the AWM MV Krait
    The stern of MV Krait MV Krait
    MV Krait at the Australian National Maritime Museum MV Krait
    The unique appearance of the Rabaul and Montevideo Maru Memorial Rabaul and Montevideo Maru Memorial
    The Rabaul and Montevideo Maru Memorial Rabaul and Montevideo Maru Memorial
    The dedication plaque Australian Service Nurses National Memorial
    The Australian Nurses Memorial Australian Service Nurses National Memorial
    The plaque listing the Memorial donors Australian Peacekeeping Memorial
    The Committee and Project Team information plaque Australian Peacekeeping Memorial
    The plaque describing the symbolism of the Memorial Australian Peacekeeping Memorial
    The dedication plaque Australian Peacekeeping Memorial
    The plaque describing the purpose of the Memorial Australian Peacekeeping Memorial
    The National Peacekeepers Memorial - In the Service of Peace Australian Peacekeeping Memorial
    The National Peacekeepers Memorial Australian Peacekeeping Memorial
    The Memorial figures Desert Mounted Corps
    The unveiling plaque Desert Mounted Corps
    The plaque commemorating the Battle of Beersheba and the charge of the 4th Australian Light Horse BrigadeAustralian Light Horse Charge Desert Mounted Corps
    The Desert Mounted Corps Memorial, overlooking Anzac Parade Desert Mounted Corps