RSL (Port Pirie Sub Branch) Inc.

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Member for

6 years

    Contributed memorials

    Displaying 1 - 20 of 24
    Memorial Address Created
    14 Australian Personnel Staging Camp 57 Albert Terrace, Solomontown , Port Pirie South Australia 5540
    Soldiers Memorial Park Memorial Drive, Port Pirie West South Australia 5540
    Crystal Brook World War Two Memorial Bowman Street, Crystal Brook South Australia 5523
    Wandearah Cemetery Old Broughton Road, Wandearah West South Australia 5523
    Women Who Served The Terrace, Port Pirie West South Australia 5540
    Merchant Navy and Mariners Memorial Alexander Street, Port Pirie South Australia 5540
    Woodward Park Halley Street, Risdon Park South Australia 5540
    Wandearah Memorial Wandearah Road, Wandearah East South Australia 5523
    Napperby Lone Pine Memorial Hall Road, Napperby South Australia 5540
    Port Pirie RAAF Base Aerodrome Road, Pirie East South Australia 5540
    Port Pirie RSL Military Museum Vietnam Veterans Honour Wall The Terrace, Port Pirie West South Australia 5540
    Airman's Memorial Federation Road, Port Pirie West South Australia 5540
    All Military Conflicts Memorial Memorial Drive, Port Pirie West South Australia 5540
    Soldier's Memorial Grandstand Memorial Drive, Port Pirie West South Australia 5540
    Royal Australian Navy Memorial Gertrude Street, Port Pirie South Australia 5540
    Royal Australian Airforce Memorial Memorial Drive, Port Pirie West South Australia 5540
    Port Pirie Garden of Memory War Cemetery Memorial Anzac Road, Risdon Park South Australia 5540
    Women's Soldiers Memorial Alexander Street, Port Pirie West South Australia 5540
    South East Asia Memorial Memorial Drive, Port Pirie West South Australia 5540
    World War 2 Memorial Gates Gertrude Street, Port Pirie South Australia 5540

    Contributed stories

    Displaying 1 - 20 of 86
    Story Memorial References Created
    The Martins Crystal Brook World War Two Memorial
    Victory Day In Crystal Brook Crystal Brook World War 1 Soldiers Memorial
    14 Australian Personnel Staging Camp 14 Australian Personnel Staging Camp
    The Wilson Brothers Clements Gap Soldiers Memorial Methodist Church
    Staff-Sergeant Arthur James Burt 14 Australian Personnel Staging Camp
    Flax Workers - Australian Women’s Land Army Women Who Served
    Sam Brooks - Mural Artist Statement Port Pirie RAAF Base
    Bomb explodes No. 2 Bombing and Gunnery School Port Pirie RAAF Base
    Empire Air Training Scheme Port Pirie RAAF Base
    The Good-Bye Wandearah Memorial
    Victor Treloar Clements Gap WW2 Memorial
    32nd United States Infantry Division Clements Gap Soldiers Memorial Methodist Church
    No Lead – No Beer World War 1 Memorial Gates
    Lead Supply or Strike Action World War 1 Memorial Gates
    Airman's Memorial Airman's Memorial
    Aircraftwoman Joan Charlotte Mathew Women Who Served
    Remembering Tobruk HMAS Tobruk Memorial
    Alexander John Williams Port Germein Cenotaph
    The Fradd Brothers Laura War Memorial
    RAAF Fairey Battles K9380 and L5654 Port Pirie RAAF K9380 and L5654 Crash Site

    Contributed photos